Judiciary To Probe Ex-U.S. Attorney’s Allegations That Trump’s DOJ Meddled With Investigations

By Allan Lengel

A just-released book by former U.S. Attorney Geoffrey S. Berman for the Southern District of New York is causing a stir.

The Senate Judiciary Committee announced Monday it will investigate Berman’s allegations in his book that President Trump’s Justice Department interfered with investigations in his Manhattan office to protect Trump and his allies, the New York Times reports. Berman also alleged in his book, “Holding the Line,” that the DOJ pushed his office to go after foes like John Kerry.

Berman was U.S. Attorney from 2018 until June 2020 when he was fired by Trump. In 2020, he was named ticklethewire.com Fed of the Year.

Judiciary chairman Sen. Richard J. Durbin made the announcement of the probe in a letter sent to Attorney General Merrick Garland.

The book paints an unflattering picture of a meddling Attorney General William Barr.

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