Justice Department Investigating Police-Involved Shooting of Black Man at Wal-Mart Store

By Steve Neavling

The Justice Department’s increased reviews of police department practices has reached Ohio after a grand jury opted no to indict officers involved in the unusual fatal shooting of a man at a Ohio Wal-Mart, the Associated Press reports.

Pledging a “thorough and independent” investigation, the Justice Department said it’s trying to determine whether any civil rights laws were violated in the Aug. 5 death of John Crawford III, 22.

Crawford, who is black, reportedly was waving a gun in the store and didn’t obey commands when police arrived.

Police shot and killed Crawford. Turns out, he had an air rifle taken from the Wal-Mart shelf.

“The Crawford family is extremely disappointed, disgusted and confused,” the family said in a statement. “They are heartbroken that justice was not done in the tragic death of their only son.”

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One thought on “Justice Department Investigating Police-Involved Shooting of Black Man at Wal-Mart Store

  1. If this case involved a white man doing the same thing that this guy did, would it even be a story. You had a guy walking around in a store with a realistic-looking fake assault rifle. The police showed up and he refused their commands. They shot him. What is the problem here?? I’m sorry, but the police acted in the proper manner here and I don’t see anything that indicates race played a role. If this guy were white, he’d be shot just the same.

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