Justice Lawyer Criticizes Agency for Failing to Protect White Voters

blackpantherptylogoBy Allan Lengel

WASHINGTON — In a controversy that won’t seem to go away for the Obama administration, a veteran Justice Department lawyer on Friday accused his agency of being unwilling to go after racial discrimination cases on behalf of white voters, the Washington Post reported.

Christopher Coate testified before the U.S. Commission on Civil Rights relating to the department’s failure to aggressively pursue a case against the New Black Panther Party, which was accused of intimidating some whites from voting at the polls in 2008 in Philly. One member was carrying a night stick, Post reported.

Coates, former head of the voting section that brought the case, criticized the department’s “gutting” of the case for “irrational reasons”, the Post reported. He transferred to the U.S. Attorney’s in South Carolina in January and has been given whistleblower status.

“I had people who told me point-blank that [they] didn’t come to the voting rights section to sue African American people,” Coates testified. “When you are paid by the taxpayer, that is totally indefensible.”

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