Kathleen McChesney: FBI Leader or White House Lackey? Mr. Patel’s Critical Choice

The author worked for the FBI from 1978 – 2002 and rose to the rank of executive assistant director. She co-authored the book, “Pick Up Your Own Brass: Leadership the FBI Way,” along with William Gavin, a former FBI assistant director. 

By Kathleen McChesney

Whether you were for or against the confirmation of Mr. Kash Patel to become the next Director of the FBI, the U.S. Senate has completed its work and Mr. Patel has taken the helm of the nation’s most important federal law enforcement agency. As Director, Mr. Patel now has the opportunity, as well as the obligation, to choose to become the type of leader that the FBI needs to function effectively, or to choose to be the person who will carry out the personal agenda of the man who appointed him. 

Kash Patel

The FBI Director has the ultimate responsibility for rebuilding the confidence in the institution of those who believe, for a variety of reasons, that the Bureau has lost its way. From my vantage point, as a former FBI Executive Assistant Director and through my interactions with current FBI employees, I do not believe that the FBI has lost its way.  My knowledge of the unique skills and investigative successes of these men and women, and my personal observations of their work ethic and integrity, assure me that the FBI is still the competent, professional and highly admired organization that it has been for over 100 years. 

The negative perceptions about the FBI have become a troubling reality that requires correction.  There is a significant number of people, including some government officials and legislators, who see the FBI in a much different, darker light than my colleagues and I who understand the organization’s internal and external challenges.  We know that the frequent social and traditional media criticisms of the FBI are not always based in fact.  However, those perceptions need to be corrected in a positive way – in other words, through capable, serious leadership of FBI work that is conducted, without bias and according to the Bureau’s policies and procedures.  Threats of firing, mass transfers, or publication of employee names and assignments will not eliminate those negative perceptions and can only impede the Bureau’s ability to perform its important work by creating distractions and unnecessary anxiety within the workforce. 

Kathleeen McChesney

Unfortunately, Mr. Patel comes to the prominent position of FBI Director having made a series of adverse comments about the Bureau that have convinced many people that he is not serious about improving the organization he desires to lead.  Rather, some of his actions and statements suggest that his main objective is to exact revenge on any FBI employee who may have run afoul of the new President. Ordinarily, these types of statements and threats would preclude the man’s appointment to this significant position, but these are not ordinary times.

Mr. Patel’s first, and continuous, duty throughout his tenure must be to assure all FBI employees that he soundly supports them and takes pride in their good work.  Becoming FBI Director is more than bearing the title – it means being a member of a mission-oriented team that shares in its achievements as well as its failures.  As the leader, however, the Director bears the ultimate responsibility for ensuring that those men and women who may have violated FBI policies, are evaluated carefully and treated fairly and with respect. 

Should Mr. Patel choose to truly become a skilled leader, rather than a functionary carrying out the agenda of others, he would do well to study the best attributes and accomplishments of some of the previous Directors and other FBI leaders.  These individuals, also known as “leaders of leaders” understood that they were the personification of the FBI’s brand and reputation.  They were expected to provide the vision and strategy required by the FBI to fulfill its mission.  And, they were expected to serve the Bureau’s employees – rather than be served by them. 

Mr. Patel has stated his objectives as FBI Director would be to let “good cops be good cops” and to provide transparency to Congress regarding the FBI’s activities.  He also said he would “have the backs” of the FBI Agents.  The employees won’t forget those promises.  Be assured, they will soon know whether he made the choice to be their equal as well as their leader – or to follow a different, more hazardous path. 

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