Kentucky Gun Shop Owner Charged with Threatening ATF Agent

Shoshanna Utchenik

Anger management is a great idea for those working around firearms for a living.

Unfortunately former Kentucky gunshop owner and former prison employee Ted Ray Schlenker, 48, of Louisville didn’t get that memo.

Schlenker is charged with mailing threats and a gun to ATF agent Dan Volk in Bowling Green. Reports AP, he’s been in federal custody since his April 28th arrest.

Damning evidence was found at Schlenker’s home, discrepancies were found in his gun shop records, and he may have also had a motive.

ATF considered Schlenker a person of interest in two prior incidents. In January 2010 a grenade exploded on the property of a former co-worker’s family, after Schlenker had faced disciplinary action at work. That March a letter containing white powder and a grenade pin was sent to the same worker at the prison.

This recent ‘care package’ was sent to the ATF agent overseeing Schlenker’s investigation.

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