LA U.S. Atty. Asks for 27 Months for Man Who Videotaped ESPN Reporter Erin Andrews

Erin Andrews/ espn photo
Erin Andrews/ espn photo
By Allan Lengel

The U.S. Attorney’s Office in Los Angeles is recommending that the man who secretly videotaped ESPN reporter Erin Andrews naked through hotel peep holes and posted the material on the Internet, get 27 months in prison.

“She has lived in fear for her physical safety,” according to the government’s sentencing document filed on Monday for the defendant Michael David Barrett, 49. “She has nightmares about defendant. She also wakes up at least once a night fearing that defendant is breaking into her home.

“Every time she turns on a computer, Victim Andrews is reminded that the videos cannot be removed from the Internet…, and she knows that her future husband and her future children will have to confront these videos.

“Whenever she goes to work, she must deal both with worries that she is not being taken seriously and with “fans” that say things about the videos to her.

“Also disturbing is the fact that many people, including some of Victim Andrews’ peers in the media, wrongly believed that Victim Andrews had something to do with these videos, i.e., that she orchestrated them to boost her career.”

“Victim Andrews’ father has also suffered significant emotional distress, with his daughter calling in tears and being “ravaged on the Internet. Taken together, the nature and circumstances of defendant’s conduct require significant punishment.”

Read Sentencing Document


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