Lance Armstrong’s Lawyer Complains of Leaks in L.A. Fed Grand Jury Probe

lance armstrongBy Allan Lengel

The lawyer for seven-time Tour de France winner Lance Armstrong has sent off a letter to a Los Angeles federal prosecutor complaining about leaks in a grand jury probe into possible doping conspiracies involving Armstrong’s team, the Associated Press reported.

Lawyer Tim Herman wrote federal prosecutor Doug Miller of the L.A. Major Frauds Section, who is overseeing a grand jury probe, that it is “especially unfair to subject Mr. Armstrong to this continuing media blitz when he is in the middle of his final Tour de France”, according to the Associated Press.

“It is egregiously unfair and frustrating for New York reporters to have far more knowledge about this matter than Mr. Armstrong or his attorney,” Herman wrote, according to The AP.

The New York Daily News reported that the probe picked up in April when a former teammate of Armstrong admitted to doping and accused Armstrong and other riders and cycling officials of “complicity in performance-enhancing drug use and illegal blood transfusions.”

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