Laptops Will Be Banned on Flights From 10 Airports From 8 Muslim-Majority Nations


By Allan Lengel

Traveling to the U.S. just got more restrictive.

Passengers traveling to the U.S.  from 10 airports in eight Muslim-majority countries will no longer be aloud to bring laptops, tablets and other portable electronic devices on board, Lori Aratani of the Washington Post reports. The devices must now be packed in checked luggage.

The Post reports that senior U.S. administration officials said the rules were prompted by “evaluated intelligence” that terrorists continue to target commercial aviation by “smuggling explosives in portable electronic devices.”

“Based on this information, Secretary of Homeland Security John Kelly and Transportation Security Administration acting administrator Huban Gowadia have determined it is necessary to enhance security procedures for passengers at certain last-point-of-departure airports to the United States,” officials said late Monday, according to the Post story.

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