Largest Child Porn Collection Ill. Judge, FBI Agent Have Ever Seen Calls for Max Sentence

By Danny Fenster

A man with a collection of child pornography twice as large as anything an FBI investigator had ever seen was handed  the maximum 20-year sentence on Tuesday in federal court in Peoria, Ill.

The size of the stash, and the 30 years Richard J. Jimenez spent collecting it, called for a high sentence from Senior U.S. District Judge Michael Mihm, who said it was the largest collection he remembers seeing in nearly 30 years as a judge, reports the Journal Star.

Jimenez had nearly a terabyte of images and movies, which FBI agents stopped counting after 1,000. Jimenez had told police in an earlier filing that it would take 30 years to go through it all.

The volume of the collection was so great that it boosted the sentencing range to at least 30 years, but because distribution of child porn carries a maximum of only 20 years Mihm could not go over it, though he noted he would consider going higher if he could.

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