Law Enforcement Organizations Issue Statements on Dallas Shootings

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By Allan Lengel

National law enforcement organizations issued statements Friday in wake of the shootings of Dallas Police Office.

Federal Law Enforcement Officers Association National (FLEOA):

In response to the tragic incident in Dallas last night, where five police officers lost their lives in a targeted attack, The Federal Law Enforcement Officers Association National (FLEOA) President Nate Catura issued the following response:

“Our thoughts and prayers go out to the men and women of the Dallas Police Department and the Dallas Area Rapid Transit Police Department, their murdered and wounded officers, and their families.  

We stand with Chief Brown and offer our full support to the arrest and prosecution of the criminals who planned and committed this heinous crime. On a daily basis, police officers risk their lives in support of the public and we condemn the recent anti law enforcement rhetoric.

During times of social upheaval, society should unite, not divide, and let the investigative process work before judging police officers and departments. All lives matter and we grieve for the loss of these brave police officers.”

FBI Agents Association’s President Reynaldo Tariche:

“Federal, state, and local law enforcement officers put their lives on the line every day to protect the public from criminal and terrorist threats.  These brave men and women do so at great risk to themselves and great sacrifice to their families. Tragically, we are all reminded of this sacrifice with the shooting of 11 Dallas law enforcement officers last night, five of whom were killed in the attack.  The FBI Agents Association stands with the courageous law enforcement officers in Dallas, and our thoughts and prayers are with the families of those who were killed or injured.

Police officers play an essential role in safeguarding our Constitutional rights to assemble and speak. The Dallas shootings occurred while officers were protecting these very rights, and they are an attack on the foundations of our democracy.

Law enforcement officers and the communities we protect are inseparable.  United we stand, divided we fall.”

  International Association of Chiefs of Police President Terrence M. Cunningham:

Heartbroken, saddened, sickened, appalled – none of these words are strong enough to express how I feel about the tragic and senseless deaths of the five officers in Dallas and the seven others that were wounded. Last night, we witnessed the deadliest attack on law enforcement in the United States since 9/11.

As President of the International Association of Chiefs of Police, our entire membership grieves with the brave men and women of the Texas law enforcement community. We stand ready to assist their agencies in the days and months ahead.

Law enforcement officers put their lives in harm’s way on a daily basis, to protect our freedom and democracy, confront crime and ensure the safety of our communities. We do this because we took an oath to safeguard our fellow citizens. We believe in that oath, and we feel an allegiance to and pride for the citizens we protect and the communities we serve. The officers in Dallas were acting as guardians and protecting the protestors.

Law enforcement officers, like the people they serve, are fathers, mothers, husbands, wives, daughters, and sons. Despite the passions aroused by recent events, we must realize that violence is never the solution.

Rather than letting this tragedy divide us, this is a time for us to come together as a community and share our grief and look for solutions.

As this situation continues to develop, we will communicate with our membership, and I urge you to work with your communities. Please stay safe.



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