Lawmaker Calls Federal Air Marshals “Useless”


The question many ask: Would the Sept. 11, 2001 attacks have happened had we had Air Marshals aboard those planes?

By Anthony L. Kimery
HS Today

During a five minute speech on the House floor June 19, Rep. John Duncan, Jr. (R-Tenn.) declared that the Federal Air Marshals Service (FAMS) is “probably the most needless, useless agency in the entire federal government.”

Duncan said the $860 million in the fiscal year 2010 homeland security appropriations bill “for this needless, useless agency … is a total waste … we will appropriate $860 million for people to sit on airplanes and simply fly back and forth, back and forth. What a cushy, easy job.”

Continuing his dissing of FAMS, Duncan asserted he “know[s] with absolute certainty that this $860 million we are about to give them could be better spent on thousands of other things. As far as I’m concerned, it is just money going down a drain for the little good it will do. When we are so many trillions of dollars in debt, a national debt of over $13 trillion, we simply cannot afford to waste money in this way.”

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