Lawsuit: FBI Has Video of Oklahoma City Bombing That Shows Another Person Involved

Timothy McVeigh/fbi photo
Steve Neavling

A Salt Lake Security attorney is suing the FBI to release what he says is a video that shows a second person was involved in the Oklahoma City bombing, the USA Today reports.

But the FBI has maintained it lost the surveillance video from the 1995 blast that killed 168 people.

Jesse Trentadue says his brother, who died in a federal holding cell after being transferred to Oklahoma several months after the bombing, bore a striking resemblance to a second bombing suspect.

“I did not start out to solve the Oklahoma City bombing, I started out for justice for my brother’s murder,” Jesse Trentadue said. “But along the way, every path I took, every lead I got, took me to the bombing.”

Despite records that indicate the FBI has surveillance video, the bureau said it can’t find them, and it would take more than 18 months to conduct a thorough search.

One thought on “Lawsuit: FBI Has Video of Oklahoma City Bombing That Shows Another Person Involved

  1. I cooperated and helped the ATF and FBI in the OKC bombing investigation and Identified Mcveigh as a suspect in the OKC bombing on April 21, 1995 and provided evidence that led to his arrest=everybody around Ft. Riley that done business with Mcveigh and Nichols before the bombing seen another guy with them=Ryder truck,Military auctions,gun shows,restaurants,auto parts store =PS over 50 of us were subpoenaed by Michael Tigar to Denver=none of us had to testify !!!

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