Legal Observers Say Gov. Blago’s Media Blitz Could Hurt Him in Court

Gov. Blago is creating a nightmare scenario for any attorney who will have to defend him in court. There’s two words you never seem to hear from the guy: “No comment”.

Chicago Sun-Times
CHICAGO — Gov. Blagojevich’s media blitz might make him feel better about his case, but all those recent high-profile interviews are likely to come back to bite him in a big way, experienced defense lawyers say.
That’s because any statement the governor makes about his case could be used against him by prosecutors at a future trial.
But it isn’t a two-way street. Blagojevich’s lawyers can’t play the governor’s proclamations of innocence to jurors, said defense lawyer Joel Levin.
Since last week, Blagojevich has appeared on radio shows and national television programs including “The View,” and “Larry King Live.” Blagojevich likened his situation to the jailing of peace and civil rights leaders and made references to the charges.
“Given that he doesn’t know all the evidence against him, there’s tremendous risk in what he’s doing,” said Levin, who prosecuted ex-Gov. George Ryan. “Some of the statements . . . might fit nicely into the theories [prosecutors] are laying out.”

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