Lifetime-Achievement Recipient Recalls the FBI Under Hoover

Shoshanna Utchenik

Former FBI agent Norbert Dembinski served under J. Edgar Hoover from 1950-53, and conducted interviews in Russian and Polish.

At a recent ceremony honoring his service he recalled, “It seems I was always at the right place at the right time.”

W. Al Bostdorff, President of the Society of Former Special Agents presented a Lifetime Achievement Award to Dembinski last month, at a luncheon at St. Mary’s Villa Residence in Elmhurst, PA, reports the Moscow Villager.

The former agent remembered meeting Hoover and receiving a letter of congratulations when he got married. Dembinski recalled that Hoover “was deeply concerned about the welfare of every agent in the Bureau. He did everything possible to make our lives more comfortable. The FBI was one of the most wonderful organizations to work for.”

Dembinski has been a member of the Society of Former Special Agents for 58 years.

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