The family of a Border Patrol agent who was killed in a car crash on his way to work March 22 is getting help from residents in the Imperial Valley of California.
The two-car collision, which is under investigation, killed Agent Francisco Puga, 26, a Calexico native who had been recently married.
The Imperial Valley Press reports that local people and groups are raising money for Puga’s family, which will not receive insurance benefits because the agent wasn’t considered on-duty at the time.
“He was a young man that decided to put on the uniform and defend the constitution with his life,” Lombardo Amaya, union president of National Border Patrol Council Local 2554, said. “He was coming to work to fulfill that commitment that he served, and he was a person that was willing to die for our way of life anytime,” Amaya said. “It’s really sad that someone at that young age is gone. We’re a family and as a family, we feel love for each other, and while we can’t do a lot to make him come back, we can support his family.”