Long-Serving Border Patrol Chief to Retire After 25 Years, Reflects on Advances

Steve Neavling

Chief Enrique “Henry” Mendiola Jr., whose 25 year of service makes him one of the longest-serving agents of the Border Patrol RGV Sector, is retiring, ValleyCentral.com reports.

Mendiola was only 20 years old when he joined the Border Patrol in 1988.

“When I came in we were still doing ink fingerprints, we had no databases, not even computers,” Mendiola said.

A lot has changed since then. The number of agents has increased 500%, and apprehensions have declined, he told ValleyCentral.com.

“We have made a lot of progress.  Apprehensions are well under the million range where they were back then,” Mendiola said.


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