Former Maryland Restaurant Cook Charged With Spying For Saddam Hussein

Documents unearthed in Iraq are giving investigators insights into who spied for Saddam Hussein. Indictments like this have been popping up around the country.

Associated Press Writer

An Iraq-born Canadian citizen who was picked up at the U.S. border last week was charged Monday with conspiring to spy for Saddam Hussein and Iraq.
A criminal complaint filed by the Justice Department alleges that Mouyad Mahmoud Darwish, 47, was paid to provide information to Iraqi government officials and intelligence officers in 2000 and later, including that Iraqi volunteers were being trained by the U.S. military in Virginia.
The complaint was filed in Maryland, where Darwish worked as a restaurant cook before moving back to Canada. He could face up to five years in prison if convicted of the charge of conspiracy to act as an agent for a foreign government.
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Read FBI Affidavit

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