Memorial Fund Established for NY ATF Agent John Capano

John Capano/atf photo
By Allan Lengel

A memorial fund has been set up for ATF agent John Capano of New York who was killed New Year’s Eve day while attempting to stop an armed robbery of a pharmacy in Long Island where he had gone to fill a cancer medication for his ailing father.

The primary purpose of the fund is to provide monies for his son’s and daughter’s college education. His son is attending Northeastern University and his daughter is a high school student.

Individual and corporate donations can be made out to Special Agent John Capano Memorial Fund and sent to the Federal Drug Agents Foundation, 380 North Broadway, Suite 203, Jericho, NY 11753. Donations to the fund are tax deductible.

Authorities suspect that Capano was killed by friendly fire from a retired cop who had come to his rescue after he began struggling with the robber.

The funeral is scheduled for Friday at 11 a.m. at the St. William the Abbot Roman Catholic Church in Seaford, N.Y. Attorney Gen. Eric Holder Jr. is scheduled to speak at the funeral.


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