Mentally Ill Woman Reaches Front Yard of Pres. Bush’s Dallas Home

white house photo
By Allan Lengel

President George W. Bush and wife Laura continue to get the occasional unexpected visitor at their home in Dallas.

The station WTSP reports that a mentally ill woman reached the front yard of the ex-president’s Dallas home on Friday afternoon and was taken into custody for questioning.

Sources told the station that the woman got around the fence and gate that surround the home. The ex-president and his wife weren’t home.

The U.S. Secret Service questioned the woman and has had contact with her in the past, the station reported. It also reported that the Secret Service did not consider her a threat.

Last December, days before Christmas, a motorist tooling around the upscale Dallas neighborhood in his muscle car accidentally hopped the curb and ended up on the lawn of the Bush home. Secret Service at the time it appeared to simply be an accident.

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