Mexican Man Gets Life for 2008 Slaying of Border Patrol Agent in Calif.

Luis Aguilar
By Allan Lengel

A Mexican man was sentenced to life in prison in San Diego Friday for striking and killing U.S. Border Patrol agent Luis Aguilar with a Hummer filled with drugs in January 2008 at California’s Imperial Sand Dunes, the Associated Press reported.

Jesus Navarro testified during his two-week trial that he wasn’t driving the car and that he confessed to the crime only after authorities beat and threatened him, AP reported.

“What is being done is an injustice and I will be here on appeal,” he told U.S. District Judge Michael Annello on Friday, according to AP.

But the judge didn’t buy that, saying: “This was a particularly brutal, violent and heinous crime,” AP reported.

The agent’s wife Erica told Navarro that she hears her son crying in the shower, “Why did he have to die? Why did you have to kill him?”

“You are selfish person with no sense of humanity or integrity,” she told Navarro.

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