Las Vegas U.S. Atty. Gregory Brower to Resign in October
By Allan Lengel Las Vegas U.S. Attorney Gregory Brower announced Tuesday that he’ll resign on Oct. 10. “It has been a privilege to serve my fellow Nevadans as U.S. Attorney over the last two years,” he said in a…
K.C. FBI Agent Bob Herndon Will be At NY Movie Premiere of “The Informant”– And for Good Reason
Many dream of having an aspect of their life made into a movie. FBI agent Bob Herndon can stop dreaming and down some popcorn as he sees one of his cases go Hollywood. By ROBERT W. BUTLER Kansas City Star KANSAS CITY –– There’s reality. And there’s Hollywood reality. The difference was only too clear…
Daniel McMullen to Head FBI’s Jackson, Miss. Division
By Allan Lengel WASHINGTON — Daniel McMullen, FBI special agent in charge of criminal matters in Los Angeles, has been named the top agent for the Jackson, Miss., division. He replaces Frederick T. Brink, who retired. McMullen began his career in 1991 and was first assigned to the Shreveport, La. office. In 1995, he…
Sen. Judiciary Committee Oks 4 U.S. Attorneys
By Allan Lengel WASHINGTON — Four U.S. Attorney nominees moved one giant step closer Thursday to final confirmation by the Senate. The Senate Judiciary Committee voted the nominees out of committee by a voice vote. The U.S. Attorney nominees included: Peter F. Neronha of Rhode Island; Daniel G. Bogden of Nevada, who had been…
Richard McFeely to Head FBI Baltimore Division
By Allan Lengel WASHINGTON — Richard A. McFeely, who has a law degree and was the FBI’s deputy assistant director of the Finance Division, has been named special agent in charge of the bureau’s Baltimore Division. McFeely replaces Amy Jo Lyons, who was recently named assistant director of the Inspection Division at FBI headquarters….