Miss. FBI Agent Facing Criminal Charges Claims U.S. Atty. Was After Him for Being a Whistleblower

Trouble is brewing in Mississippi. FBI agent Hal Neilson on Monday pleaded not guilty to charges he failed to disclose his hidden interest in a leased FBI office he headed up in Oxford, Miss. He claims the U.S. Attorney had it out for him for being a whistle blower. The Northeast Mississippi Daily Journal takes a look at the contentious situation. The website Main Justice also gives its read on the matter.

Mississippi Road Sign

By Patsy R. Brumfield
The Northeast Mississippi Daily Journal

OXFORD, Miss. – FBI agent Hal Neilson’s professional troubles apparently began some five years ago, when he says he discovered a U.S. attorney’s office investigation for “no reason” into nearly 150 north Mississippi residents of Middle Eastern origins and then later questioned the handling of the Mississippi Beef Plant investigation.

When Neilson reported his concerns, he asked his employer for protection against retaliation. At that time, he was the FBI’s resident agent in Oxford. As of today, he reportedly has never heard a response.

Monday (Feb.1 ) the 49-year-old career agent will answer a five-count federal indictment about some personal financial actions.

While neither he nor anyone else directly involved with his case will say much, if anything, about it, documents provided to the Daily Journal show that Neilson felt he was under attack for blowing the whistle.

U.S. Attorney Jim Greenlee, appointed in 2001 by President George W. Bush, leaves office Sunday. His permanent replacement has not been announced by the Obama administration.

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