Missouri Governor Sends in National Guard to Ferguson After Violence Breaks out During Protests

Steve Neavling

As violence erupted in Ferguson during protests overnight, Missouri Gov. Jay Nixon deployed the National Guard in hopes of avoiding more looting and shootings, the USA Today reports.

The order comes after another clash between police and protesters.

Police reported dodging bullets and Molotov cocktails Sunday night and early Monday morning. No serious injuries were reported.

Nixon said the idea behind the National Guard is to “help restore peace and order and to protect the citizens of Ferguson.”

“Tonight, a day of hope, prayers, and peaceful protests was marred by the violent criminal acts of an organized and growing number of individuals, many from outside the community and state, whose actions are putting the residents and businesses of Ferguson at risk,” a statement from Nixon’s office said.

“These violent acts are a disservice to the family of Michael Brown and his memory, and to the people of this community who yearn for justice to be served, and to feel safe in their own homes.”

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