Missouri Lt. Gov. Peter Kinder said the Justice Department is “obsessed with race” and has demonstrated more racism than “than anywhere I see in the St. Louis area,” The Huffington Post reports.
Kinder claims protests over the death of Michael Brown are “based on a lie” and have been exacerbated by a Justice Department report that concluded Ferguson has systematically discriminated against black residents.
The problem, Kinder said, was that the Justice Department is staffed with “hard-left radical leftist lawyers.”
“There is more racism in the Justice Department than anywhere I see in the St. Louis area,” he said. “We’ve come an enormous way in 50 years, that’s not to say that we don’t have still more to do. It is the left, it is the Eric Holder and the Obama left and their minions that are obsessed with race while the rest of us are moving on beyond it.”