Missouri Man Who Appeared on 60 Minutes is Sentenced to 5 Years For Impersonating a DEA Agent

Bill Jakob’s fun adventure — posing as a DEA agent and busting drug dealers in a small Missouri town — ended very badly for him. Lesson learned: Kids, don’t try this at home.

By Robert Patrick
ST. LOUIS — William Anthony Jakob, the man who posed as a federal agent in the tiny town of Gerald, Mo., was sentenced in U.S. District Court today to five years in prison.
The sentence was no surprise — it was part of the plea deal Jakob had with prosecutors.
Jakob, 36, of Washington, Mo., pleaded guilty in September to 23 felony charges. At that time, he admitted in court that he pretended at various times to be a Drug Enforcement Administration agent, a U.S. marshal and an agent for a multijurisdictional task force after arriving in Gerald in March.
Gerald is a town in Franklin County. The case made national news when Jakob granted an interview to “60 Minutes.” In that interview, aired last month, Jakob said he got an adrenalin rush from his drug busts. He said his work gave him a sense of purpose.
Jakob waived a shotgun and a pistol while raiding private homes, handcuffing the occupants and even making arrests, according to court testimony.
For Full Story

Read Indictment

60 Minutes Appearance Several Weeks Before Sentencing



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