Would you believe that federal money was wasted in Illinois’ Cook County, home of the city of Chicago?
A report by the Department of Homeland Security claims that millions of dollars may have been wasted on a troubled $44 million county program that put faulty cameras in police cars, reports the Chicago Tribune.
U.S. Sen. Mark Kirk and and U.S. Rep Michael Quigley scheduled a press conference for later on Monday calling the FBI to investigate “potential criminal misuse of federal funds” on “equipment that does not perform as intended,” according to the Tribune.
Cook County officials ended “Project Shield” in June after a review by the County Board President Toni Preckwinkle found an “ill-conceived, poorly designed and badly executed program that put the lives of emergency responders in danger.” The $65,000 cameras the county had purchased for police not only didn’t work, according to the Tribune, but also obstructed the air bags in police cars, said Michael Masters, director of the county’s Department of Homeland Security and Emergency Management.
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