Support for tracking hate crimes against Sikhs, Hindus and Arab-Americans gained traction Thursday after more than 100 members of Congress sent a letter urging the FBI to take action, the Milwaukee-Wisconsin Journal Sentinel reports.
The letter urging the FBI to begin tracking hate crimes against those groups comes after the Department of Justice also asked the FBI to do the same.
The desire to expand tracking for hate crimes follows the massacre at a Sikh temple in Wisconsin in August 2012.
“Unfortunately, there is a specific, demonstrated need for hate crime data for each of these three categories,” the letter said. “We understand that, at present, the FBI does not collect specific information about these categories of hate violence, which may at times be recorded as anti-Muslim bias motivation. However, evidence suggests that all too many crimes are committed against these groups because of their religious or national identity, and not because they are confused with Muslims.”
Does this mean that Holder’s DOJ will prosecute black on white hate crimes to wit: The new black panther’s intimidation of white voters etc.