Moving FBI Headquarters to Suburbs May Have Net Gain for Washington D.C.

Steve Neavling

Washington D.C. has a lot to lose – and gain – if the FBI moves its longtime headquarters to the suburbs. 

If the bureau moves from Pennsylvania Avenue NW, 4,800 jobs would go with it, the Washington Post reports.

But redevelopment of the site could generate an additional $28 million, the Post reported, citing a study commissioned by the city to determine the pros and cons of a move.

”There is a substantial yearly tax revenue benefit flowing to the District from replacing the current FBI Headquarters with a private-sector redevelopment,” the report reads. “There will be a net overall loss of jobs if the FBI leaves the District. The District can realize both incrementally higher yearly tax revenue and employment gains from having Poplar Point, or another District property selected as the relocation site, particularly when the transaction is structured as a private lease.”


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