Mueller is Close ‘Personal Friends’ with His Likely New Boss, William Barr

Trump’s attorney general pick, William Barr.

By Steve Neavling

President Trump has long complained that special counsel Robert Mueller and his former FBI director, James Comey, were “Best friends, just one of many Mueller Conflicts of Interest.” 

Turns out, Trump’s nominee for attorney general, William Barr, has “been personal friends for over 20 years,” Sen. Lindsey Graham, R-S.C., said, Newsday reports.

“I didn’t know that they were that close personally,” Graham said after meeting privately with Barr on Wednesday.

Not only did Barr and Mueller work together at the Justice Department, Mueller attended the weddings of two of Barr’s daughters, and both men’s wives attend a Bible school together.

It wasn’t immediately clear whether Trump knows about the relationship.

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