FBI Dir. Mueller Honored Along With Some Who Played Role in Russian Spy Network

FBI Dir. Robert Mueller/fbi file photo
By Danny Fenster

FBI Director Robert Mueller was awarded one of the Justice Departments highest honors on Wednesday for his “outstanding professionalism and exemplary integrity,” reports CNN.

The award was one of more than 300 commendations, forty-nine of them among intelligence officials, including counterespionage agents, for their roles in catching 10 Russian secret agents in the summer of 2010.

The Russian “deep cover” operatives had carefully constructed false identities. FBI agents had decrypted the agents’ messages back to Moscow and conducted extensive surveillance, using an “exceptionally creative and tenacious multiyear investigation.”

New Deputy Director Sean Joyce accepted the award for Mueller, who was traveling for “personal business,” according to CNN. The award is named after US Attorney General Edward Levi

Another 65 law enforcement officials were commended for their work in the investigation and prosecution of Faisal Shahzad and n attempted  May 2010 bombing in Times Square.

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