Mueller Taps 16th Lawyer to Join Special Counsel Probe of Russia

Robert Mueller, via FBI
Robert Mueller, via FBI

By Steve Neavling

A former Justice Department official who specialized in white-collar crime is the 16th lawyer to join special counsel Robert Mueller’s team investigating Russia’s meddling in the presidential campaign. 

Greg Andres, who most recently was a white-collar criminal defense lawyer for the New York law firm, Davis Polk & Wardwell, started working with Mueller’s team Tuesday, Reuters reports

From 2010-12, the 50-year-old attorney served as deputy assistant attorney general in the criminal division. He focused on fraud and foreign bribery.

Mueller’s decision to continue expanding his team likely means the investigation is going to be extensive, said Robert Ray, who succeeded Kenneth Starr as independent counsel for the Whitewater investigation during the Clinton administration.

“It’s an indication that the investigation is going to extend well into 2018,” said Ray. “Whether it extends beyond 2018 is an open question.”

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