N.M. U.S. Atty. to Hire Prosecutor to Deal With Domestic Violence on Tribal Lands

U.S. Atty. Ken Gonzales/ doj photo
By Allan Lengel

Recognizing the ever-disturbing problem of domestic violence on U.S. tribal lands, U.S. Mexico U.S. Attorney Ken Gonzales plans to announce the hiring of a prosecutor to specifically  address the problem, the Associated Press reported.

AP said the move is part of a pilot program by the Office of Violence Against Woman that will provide funding for a handful of U.S. Attorneys around the nation.

The statistics are overwhelming.

AP reports that three-fifths of Native women have been assaulted by their spouses or intimate partners. Plus, one-third will be raped during at some point in their life.

Additionally, AP reported that in some tribal areas, the murder rate of Native American women is ten-fold the national average.


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