Nearly 10 Years After 9/11, Plenty Folks Still Bring Guns to Airports

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By Allan Lengel

Hard to believe. But nearly 10 years after the nation was tramautized by the attacks of 9-11, plenty people are still bringing guns to airports.

As part of the’s occasional story on guns-at-airports, we looked at the stats for the week of Aug. 15 to 21 compiled by the Transportation Security Administration.

The TSA stats show 27 firearms were found at airport checkpoints at U.S. airports during that week alone.  On top of that, two “artfully concealed prohibited items” were found that week at checkpoints and four passengers were arrested after TSA looked into the suspicious behavior or fraudulent travel documents.

Over the years, TSA officials say law enforcement and hunters have been among those who have forgotten they were in possession of weapons when they passed through security.

In the first five months of 2010, more than 260 guns were found at airport checkpoints, according to TSA stats. In 2009, 890 weapons were detected; the year before, 908.

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