Nearly 150 FBI Agents Investigating Clinton’s Use of Private E-Mail


By Steve Neavling

If you think the FBI probe into Hillary Clinton’s use of a private e-mail server is just a right-wing creation, consider this: 147 agents are investigating the case.

And the investigation has entered a second stage as agents prepare to interview Clinton and some of her top aides.

But the Washington Post reports that “Clinton is very unlikely to be punished” because it wasn’t forbidden for secretary of states to use private e-mail. Plus, past secretaries of state also have used private e-mails.

The Post writes:

On the good news front, the push to wrap it up one way or the other soon means that if she is largely cleared of wrongdoing, this story won’t continue to dog her in a general election race — or it at least won’t be an active investigation during that contest. On the bad news front, you never really want 150 FBI agents chasing down leads in relation to anything you have a hand in. That’s just a lot of people digging through your professional life.

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