New Video Shows How Secret Service Stopped Man from Shooting at White House

By Steve Neavling

A judge said the “only thing” that prevented a Pennsylvania man shooting people at the White House last month was a Secret Service agent who shot the assailant in the chest.

ABC News said U.S. Magistrate Judge Michael Harvey said reviewed video of the shooting this week before making his conclusion.

Authorities said Jessie Olivieri drove from his home in Scranton, Pa.,  and to a park near the White House.

The judge said Olivieri fired a shot before passing through a security gate on the perimeter of the White House, ignoring orders to stop by the Secret Service.

“The agent, standing behind the gate and in [Olivieri’s] path, ordered [him] to halt and drop the gun. He did neither, even seeming to wave off the commands with the hand not holding the gun. Moments later, the agent shot him in the chest,” Harvey wrote in a court document.

According to authorities, Olivieri  “came here to shoot people” and wanted to commit “suicide by police.”

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