By Editorial Board
New York Post
How about that: Among the 14,900 “new” Hillary Clinton e-mails uncovered by the FBI are 30 or so that concern the Benghazi attack — the most controversial single episode in Clinton’s four years running the State Department.
So much for Clinton’s claim that she’d handed over all her work-related e-mails. Heck: So much for any remaining illusion that she even tried to provide a complete record.
But, as someone once asked: What difference, at this point, does it make? Can Hillary’s “trust deficit” get any deeper?
In part, that depends on what’s actually in the e-mails, which may not be released until the end of September.
But it also seems to up the odds that the overall FBI “dump” will have some kind of bombshell. Benghazi’s been a matter of prime public and congressional interest for the last four years. If Clinton wouldn’t even make a good-faith effort to hand over everything on that topic, then she wasn’t trying for full disclosure on any front.
Bigger picture: This is a taste of what a Hillary presidency would bring, just as Bill’s did back in the ’90s — endless low-level scandal, occasionally flaring up into something far larger.
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