Newly Released DOJ Watchdog Report Unveils FBI Officials’ Misconduct with Sex Workers

By Steve Neavling

Six FBI officials working abroad sought or engaged in sexual activities with prostitutes and withheld information when questioned by investigators, according to a document released by the Justice Department’s internal watchdog. 

The DOJ’s Inspector General’s Office first released a one-page summary of the investigation in 2021, revealing that FBI officials had “commercial sex” while working overseas and lied to investigators about what happened. 

The new details were released in response to a Freedom of Information Act request and were obtained by NPR, although the report is heavily redacted and omits the identities of the FBI officials and the countries where the misconduct occurred.

The report alleges that FBI employees repeatedly violated Justice Department and FBI policies, exposing themselves to possible extortion or blackmail. 

The FBI officials had sex with prostitutes in a karaoke bar, strip club, hotel and massage parlor while they were on duty, according to the report. 

One FBI official said he paid for commercial sex but there were “zero occasions” in which a foreign country “tried to leverage him as a result of their providing him with a prostitute, adding this is a ‘cultural thing unfortunately.’”

Three of the officials accused of misconduct in the report resigned, two retired, and one was forced out of his position.

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