Newly Released FBI Files Show ex-Sen. George McGovern Was Pursued for Years

George McGovern
George McGovern

By Steve Neavling

In April 1975, Sen. George McGovern wanted to know whether the FBI had collected any information on him in case he ended up on the presidential ticket.

McGovern was most concerned that the FBI possessed information about a child he fathered as a young man, the Argus Leader reports. 

Hoping to work out a compromise with the bureau, McGovern met with FBI officials and was told the bureau had information that he fathered a child.

According to new FBI records released on McGovern, the senator “made no comment nor asked any questions about the statement that the allegation concerning the illegitimate child had been verified during the special inquiry investigation.”

The FBI last month released nearly 1,4000 pages in McGovern’s FBI file, showing that he was often pursued by the bureau.

The records show that McGovern fathered a child before he was married in 1943 and that the information somehow ended up with President Nixon’s re-election campaign.

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