Nigeria to Let U.S. Trained Air Marshals on Nigeria to U.S. Flights

nigeria mapBy Allan Lengel

WASHINGTON — The actions of the Nigerian underwear bomber who tried blowing up a Detroit-bound plane on Christmas day is triggering a reaction back in the man’s homeland.

Reuters news service is reporting that a Nigerian federal minister said his government will soon allow U.S. trained air marshals aboard Nigerian flights to the U.S.

Nigeria has been under pressure to bolster its aviation security since the Christmas day event involving the accused bomber Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab.

“The United States approached Nigeria to have their marshals assist in the training and equipping of (Nigerian) marshals,” Aviation Minister Babatunde Omotoba told reporters on Wednesday, according to Reuters.

He said an agreement on the matter will be signed with the U.S. soon.

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