Ex-Rep. Foley Turns The Page On Page Scandal

Former Rep. Mark Foley who caused some political damage to Republicans during election time is off the hook when it comes to his Capitol Hill scandal involving pages.

Ex. Rep. Mark Foley/fox news
Ex. Rep. Mark Foley/fox news
The Associated Press
WEST PALM BEACH, Fla. — Florida authorities closed their case against Rep. Mark Foley on Friday, saying he won’t face charges for allegedly sending salacious computer messages to underage male pages because prosecutors couldn’t prove the authenticity of the chats.
The Florida Department of Law Enforcement also said in an investigative report that too much time had passed since the February 2003 messages to bring any charges.
“There did not appear to be probable cause that a crime was committed,” the report said.The report also noted that a federal investigation was closed in July.
For Full Story
State Blames Feds For No Charges (Palm Beach Post)

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