Now Here’s a Sterling Resume; 55 Defendants in Omaha Had 2,637 Previous Contacts With the Law

By Allan Lengel

Talk about sterling resumes.

ATF, along with local law enforcement in the Omaha, Neb., area announced Tuesday charges against 55 defendants who have a total of 2,637 previous contacts with law enforcement, 255 arrests, 52 felony convictions and 151 misdemeanor convictions.

ATF said the seven-month undercover investigation targeting violent crime in Omaha resulted in the seizure of more than 70 firearms and illegal drugs with a street value of over $50,000. Some of the drugs seized included PCP, methamphetamine, crack cocaine, marijuana and prescription narcotics.

“Today marks a significant step in ridding our community of felons, firearms and drugs but there is still much work to do,” said U.S. Attorney Deborah R. Gilg. “The joint federal/local task force members are to be commended for their outstanding work.”

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