NRA Rifles Off Letter to Judiciary Opposing Holder For Atty. Gen.

By Allan Lengel
WASHINGTON – The National Rifle Association is voicing opposition to the nomination of Eric H. Holder Jr. for Attorney General, saying it has “serious concerns” about his anti-gun stance.
In a Jan. 9, three-page letter to the Senate Judiciary Committee, the NRA wrote: “Mr. Holder has long opposed the Second Amendment’s guarantee of an individual right to keep and bear arms, supported extremely restrictive laws that curtail gun owners’ rights, and, in one particularly egregious case, was personally involved in prosecuting a gun owner under circumstances where any prosecution at all can only be considered grossly excessive.”
The letter, signed by Wayne LaPierre, executive vice president of the NRA, and Chris W. Cox, excecutive director, went on to say: “We believe that Mr. Holder’s overall record raises substantial concerns about his ability to perform the duties of Attorney General in a manner that respects the Second Amendment rights of law-abiding gun owners.”
The Senate confirmation hearings begin Thursday.
Read the Full Letter

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