NY Daily News Editorial: FBI Director Robert Mueller Must Stop Shutting Out NYPD

Director Mueller testifying on the Hill/fbi file photo
By The New York Daily News
Editorial Page

The pettiness was appalling as FBI Director Robert Mueller explained why the feds had left Police Commissioner Ray Kelly out of the loop on the underwear bomb plot.

“As I told Ray, he’s always welcome to call,” Mueller said. Question, Mr. G-man: Must Kelly say, “Pretty please,” too?

Mueller’s testimony before the Senate Judiciary Committee on Wednesday was disturbing. Heretofore, he had shown no tolerance for the guerrilla warfare his terror fighters have waged against the NYPD. But his remarks under questioning by Sen. Chuck Schumer suggested infection by the same strain of professional jealousy.

Too many in the FBI chafed as Kelly built a domestic and international intelligence division that has been crucial to protecting New York. The force has foiled numerous homegrown plots.

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