NY Fed Judge Visits Brooklyn Neighborhood Where Defendants Allegedly Sold Drugs

By Allan Lengel

Brooklyn U.S. District Judge Jack B. Weinstein — some times known as a maverick — did something fairly unorthox for a federal judge, but maybe not so unorthodox for Weinstein: he went to visit the neighborhood where a crack cocaine crew ruled, the Associated Press reported.

AP reported that Weinstein, 89, who is presiding over a trial involving the suspected drug gang crew, walked through the Louis Armstrong houses in the Bedford-Stuyvesant neighborhood in Brooklyn on Friday, accompanied by a bodyguard and two news photographers.

“The outing on a quiet and crisp winter afternoon drew some stares, but was otherwise uneventful,” AP wrote.

The wire service reported that the judge said he sometimes needs a firsthand reality check on his cases.

“Otherwise,” he said, “it gets very abstract.”

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