N.Y. U.S. Atty Office Breeding Ground for Stars

This office has an alum list of whos who including Sen. Charles Schumer,Rudy Guiliani, Rep. Charles Rangel and former FBI director Louis Freeh. Not a bad list.

Alum Sen. Charles Schumer
Alum Sen. Charles Schumer

New York Times

When a longtime federal prosecutor, Cathy Seibel, was sworn in as a federal judge last month, the onlookers included many former colleagues from the office of the United States attorney for the Southern District of New York, in Manhattan, some of whom had gone on to become law professors, defense lawyers and judges themselves.
Among those former co-workers were three men who had been mentioned as candidates to become the next United States attorney in Manhattan: Preet Bharara, now chief counsel to Senator Charles E. Schumer; Mark F. Pomerantz, a defense lawyer; and Lev L. Dassin, now filling the position temporarily.
And if President Obama chose none of the three? Chances are the job would go to someone else in the room.
For decades, presidents have picked the United States attorney in Manhattan, perhaps the most prestigious federal prosecutor’s job outside Washington, from an elite pool of candidates who have worked in the office. And this agency, located next to the old federal courthouse at Foley Square, has also catapulted so many former prosecutors into other premier jobs that it has become, in a sense, one of the city’s most powerful clubs.

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