NYPD Cop Off to Jail for Lying to DEA Agents About Tracing Car Plates for Dope Dealer

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By Allan Lengel

Note to NYPD cop Roosevelt Green: Next time get over to the Sports Authority and buy yourself a nice warm up suit and sneakers: It will be a lot less trouble and a whole lot cheaper.

Federal wire intercepts captured conversations in which Green, a sergeant in NYPD,  asked a major drug dealer for a nice warm up suit and sneakers after he did the dealer a favor and traced some license plates of two DEA surveillance vehicles.

Problem is, the intercepts also picked up conversations of the dope dealer asking Green to trace the plates.

On Tuesday, in New York federal court, he paid a high price for it all: The judge sentenced Green to six months in jail for lying to DEA agents about looking up the plates.

“The intercepted conversations further revealed that, while on duty in an NYPD patrol car on March 31, 2007, Green used NYPD computers to obtain vehicle registration information for two vehicles and provided that information to” the drug dealer,” the U.S. Attorney’s press release said.


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