Those are three terms – or acronyms – that the FBI considers serious enough to add to its 83-page glossary if Internet slang.
And the reason for adding the nearly 3,000 terms may be as confusing as the terms themselves, the Washington Post reports.
The glossary is called “Twittter shorthand,” although it’s not limited to Twitter; it’s designed to familiarize agents with shorthand used on the Internet.
So what does BOGSAT mean? Bunch of guys sitting around talking.
DILLIGAD? Does it look like I give a damn?
And SOMSW? Someone over my shoulder watching.
“So while I might wanna (want to) LMSO (laugh my socks off) over this glossary, it’s actually kind of serious, when you TOTT (think on these things),” Washington Post writer Caitlin Dewey concludes.