Openly Gay U.S. Atty. Jenny Durkan Speaks Out

U.S. Atty. Durkan
U.S. Atty. Durkan
By Allan Lengel

Seattle U.S. Attorney Jenny Durkan doesn’t have a secret.

As the first openly gay federal prosecutor, she speaks freely of being gay, and did so again Monday as the keynote speaker at the Justice Department’s Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender Pride month ceremony in Washington.

“I stand before you as the first openly gay U.S. attorney,” Durkan told the audience of more than 200 Justice Department employees and others, the Seattle Times reported.

The 52-year-old, who has a long time partner and two children, said speaking out helps other gays and lesbians and helps educate the public about “the reality of our humanity.”

To read more click here.

Read Atty. Gen. Eric Holder’s Statement


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