The Federal Bureau of Investigation a track record of attacking the undesirables of the time.
In the early part of the 20th century, immigrants from Italy were the focus; in the 1940s, it was Japanese-Americans; in the 1950s, it was Americans who questioned U.S. foreign policy; in the 1960s, civil rights activists. Today, it’s Muslims and people of color. It’s the Arab. It’s the South Asian. And often, the FBI uses entrapment to create a terror case out of thin air and then claim to have foiled it.
San Jose resident Matthew Llaneza, who converted to Islam in 2011, is accused of attempting to bomb a bank building in Oakland. However, many feel that the FBI used entrapment, which, in criminal law, is a legal defense. Essentially it is the act by law enforcement officers of inducing or encouraging a person to commit a crime when the potential criminal is not otherwise predisposed to committing the crime. I believe, given the history of the FBI, that Llaneza’s is a classic case of entrapment.
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