Opinion: FBI Is Disingenuous in Report About Agent-Involved Shootings

By The Central Florida Future

According to Federal Bureau of Investigation documentation obtained via a Freedom of Information Act lawsuit by the New York Times, the FBI has been found justified in 150 shootings of subjects from 1993 to 2011. Of said shootings, 70 were fatal.

“The FBI takes very seriously any shooting incidents involving our agents, and as such we have an effective, time-tested process for addressing them internally,” a Bureau spokesperson said.

If that is truly the case, then in the nearly two decades of documentation in which this investigation delved into, there must have been at least some instance of misconduct by federal officers.

Rank and title mean nothing in this case. Federal officers, despite propaganda, are human. As such, they make mistakes; it’s absurd to even insinuate the idea that in almost 20 years, not a single error was made in a shooting incident involving a federal officer. It’s as if the Bureau thinks we are gullible sheep, blindly herded by its voices and actions. The FBI has done us a disservice; it has decided we are not deserving of the truth.

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